What a wonderful kick off to our Sacred Circles. Thank you all who came and shared your heart. We look forward to continuing this journey of ceremony and sisterhood with you in the months to come.

What a wonderful kick off to our Sacred Circles. Thank you all who came and shared your heart. We look forward to continuing this journey of ceremony and sisterhood with you in the months to come.
The go2galz Fall Swap…lots of fall decor, clothing and jewelry made their way to new homes and the rest was donated! Thank you to all who joined us…enjoy your new treasures!
What an awesome day it was with Kim Selby leading us all in a day of unleashing our inner Rock Star. Lots of laughter, community, games, exercises, special guests and prizes made for a full day of FUN! Thank you to Kate Habib @kateofswords for your wonderful sharing of the Tarot and the ways it can inform your inner Rock Star. To Mary for your inspirational Rock Star story and to all of our guests who made the day a big hit.
What a gorgeous day for swapping and shopping! The Swap was a hit! This was such a great motivator for spring cleaning…having fun, socializing and giving to Hope charity for a good cause made it even better. Thank you all who showed up, supported one another and shared their treasures. We will definitely be doing this again in the fall. Enjoy your new goodies!
Thank you to all who joined us at our Holiday Open House Event at Tribe boutique+apothecary. It was a lovely, festive evening with a great group of women supporting women in business.
Here’s wishing you and your families a very Happy Holiday Season.
We look forward to connecting with you in 2018!
Tania & Suzan
Your go2galz!
Grateful are the go2galz for all who donated coats to
Sacred Heart Community Service to keep somebody warm this winter.
We hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving with friends and family.
Love your go2galz,
Tania & Suzan
The go2galz along with a great group of Fresh Intuition women gathered together with Sacred Heart Community Service for their annual “Pack-a-Back Packing Day” to fill 3,300 back packs for students in need for their first day of school. Thank you ladies for joining us, it was our honor to be a part of this wonderful charity community event.
It was a beautiful, sunny day picking berries along the coast in Davenport at Swanton Berry Farm. Such a charming, family friendly place that has all sorts of organic berry treats and picnic tables out front to enjoy your goodies with an ocean view. Now, to get creative with all those berries!